Quality Management

Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc.

RSBCIHI is committed to providing all the patients with the highest quality of health care. Quality Management is responsible to ensure RSBCIHI provides a patient centered health care system that provides a safe, timely, effective, efficient and equitable care to all our patients. We accomplish this by assessing and improving the services we offer. Our patients are key players in determining that we are meeting this goal and we encourage our patients to provide us with feedback and comments to improve the services we provide. RSBCIHI offers our patients different methods

to report their comments or concerns.

We have our Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire per Department, where our patients can complete and report their satisfactory or unsatisfactory experience with services provided after each visit.

We also have our Comments/Complaints Regarding Program Services form where patients can file a complaint

about the services provided, any positive or negative concerns the patient feels needs to be brought to our attention to address. These forms are located at all health centers and on the Internet at www.rsbcihi.org. Patients have the option to submit the form to a staff member or mail the form to:

Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health Inc.

Quality Management Department

11980 Mt. Vernon Ave., Grand Terrace, CA 92313

Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire

Our Quality Control Department is here to assist with patient services issues.

Start Questionnaire

Tell us about your experience

QM Department and Facilities Coordinators

Soboba Clinic & Morongo Clinic

Quality Management Department and QM Facilities Coordinators are staff who can help resolve concerns about any aspect of the patient’s health care experience, particularly those concerns that cannot be resolved at the point of care. QM Coordinator and Facilities Coordinators listen to any questions, problems, or special needs patient may have and refer their concerns to Administration and/or appropriate Directors/Supervisors staff for resolution. QM Department an oversight at our clinics to ensure compliance in infection prevention and control standards, safety standards, environmental health services and clean appropriate physical patient environment.

Quality Management Department at San Manuel or Facilities Coordinator at Soboba clinic to assist you with your comments/complaints. Or you may call us directly; Quality Management Coordinator at (909) 864-1097 ext.4781 or the Compliance Hotline at 866-640-3532. All comments are kept confidential and only shared with appropriate Directors or Senior Leadership to address. Please address any concerns or complaints within thirty (30) days. We will respond to your complaints within two (2) business days.

Information Downloads (pdf)

Meet Our Staff

Cece Martinez

QM Coordinator

San Manuel

Matt Iverson

Facilities Coordinator


Curtis Toledo

Facilities Coordinator
