Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc.

The Diabetes Program is excited to update you on some of our new and ongoing diabetes control and prevention activities. The following is a brief description of each of our activities. All community members are invited, and you do not have to be diagnosed with diabetes to participate (PREVENTION is the key). We would also love to hear YOUR ideas for future activity planning.
Daily Diabetes Care
Diabetes is a chronic disorder which requires care on a daily basis. Most of this care is provided by the patient living with diabetes and their loved ones. The Providers at each Indian Health Clinic are equipped to provide medication management and diabetes self-management education and support at each appointment to our patients living with diabetes. Some of the clinics are staffed with a full-time Diabetes Educator/Case Manager who can provide in-depth diabetes education to help patients better manage their diabetes and reduce their risks for developing complications related to diabetes.
Diabetes affects each and every body system and is therefore addressed at most visits, regardless of the chief com-plaint. Please be patient while our Providers utilize every opportunity to help you better manage your diabetes. You can help to achieve your healthcare goals and improve your health outcomes by becoming more aware of how your daily choices affect your diabetes.
Diabetes care requires an entire Team and your Primary Provider or Diabetes Educator can refer you for further sup-port from the Podiatrist, Optometrist, Registered Dietitian, Fitness Specialist, Tobacco Educator, Psychologist and Endocrinologist. We encourage you to utilize all the resources available to you to help you better manage your
Diabetes Education Classes
The main objective of our group education classes is to teach Patients who do not have diabetes to recognize the signs and symptoms of diabetes and reduce their risk factors for type 2 diabetes. For the Patients already living with diabetes, we teach the self-management skills required to improve their self-efficacy as they participate in their own self-care. Topics include Healthy Eating, Monitor-ing blood sugars, Healthy Coping, Reducing Risks, Being Active, Taking Medications and Problem Solving. A delicious meal or snack, educational materials, and incentives are provided.
Diabetes and Cardiovascular Screening
This includes a blood sugar analysis, body mass index, lipid profile, blood pressure, and a thorough analysis of risk factors through completion of our lifestyle survey. You will be provided with feed-back regarding your risk factors, diabetes prevention education, and referrals will be provided if needed.
Diabetes Prevention
Diabetes is a genetic disorder with a high prevalence among Native Americans and other minority populations. Persons with a strong family history of diabetes, along with other risk factors such as a sedentary lifestyle and high calorie diet should be screened at least once per year for diabetes. Early detection and treatment of diabetes increases the likelihood for better health outcomes.
Retinopathy Screening
Having your eyes checked yearly is important for preventing and catching Retinopathy early. The Diabetes program helps the Eye Department by offering screening at all of the clinic sites. A special camera is used to take a digital photo of your eyes and transferring the images to the Optometrists here with RSBCIHI. They can then recommend any follow up that is needed.Exercise Education
The Diabetes Program
Fitness Specialist, Daniel Mazza, promotes the benefits of exercise for diabetes management and prevention in the RSBCIHI communities. We offer a variety of services including exercise counseling, personal training, and group fitness classes. We also receive referrals from the medical team based on the needs and requests of the patient. Exercise counseling and assessment appointments may involve reviewing current physi-cal activity levels, physical abilities and limitations, and medical history, and evaluating body com-position, muscular strength, and flexibility. Patients who are interested in improving their physical fitness will receive a personalized plan to improve cardiovascular health, muscular strength, blood glucose, blood pressure, and weight management.
The Native Wellness for Life Rewards Program is a great way to begin and maintain a healthy life-style and receive a variety of incentives for staying motivated. In this program, you can receive coins for setting and working towards healthy goals, attending classes hosted by the Diabetes Pro-gram, and checking your body composition. The San Manuel Indian Health Clinic also has a fitness room that patients and employees can use FREE of charge with medical clearance. This room has cardiovascular, muscular strength/endurance, and flexibility equipment. Please contact the Diabetes Program for more information on Fitness Room hours of operation and to schedule a fitness evalua-tion.
Tobacco Program
Quitting the use of commercial tobacco is one of the best things you can do to manage diabetes and improve overall health. If you want to break free from commercial tobacco, the Diabetes Program can help! The Diabetes Program has an 8-week program called “Second Wind” that will help you take steps towards quitting for good. This program has free quit kits to help distract you from commercial tobacco and friendly staff members who will support you along the way. Please contact the Diabetes Program or ask your provider for a referral to get started today!
Mobile Medical Unit
The Mobile Medical Unit (MMU) allows us to provide medical care in remote areas where access to health care has been limited. Sports physicals, hearing, and vision examinations can also be scheduled. The MMU also assists with diabetes screening at community events, and our staff is available to provide basic first aid when needed (examples: Morongo Cultural Day Parade, Torres-Martinez Fiesta). Look for the Mobile Medi-cal Unit driving on the highway or parked at the next Pow-Wow.
What is Tele-medicine? Telemedicine is a live interactive audio and video appointment with the patient at one location and the Specialist at another. Some of our Patents kindly refer to this as “their TV Doctor” ap-pointment, which is conducted over a dedicated line which is private and secure. Telemedicine offers in-creased access to quality specialist care.
What is a Tele-medicine visit like?
A typical telemedicine visit occurs with the Patient and the medical assis-tant at the Patient’s home clinic. The Specialist and you will be able to see and hear each other, just as if you were in the same room. The Medical Assistant will operate the cameras and help with exams. Your Primary Care Provider may be present at the appointment, to review recommendations and work with the Specialist in determining the treatment plan best for you.We look forward to assisting you on your path to better health so if you get a call from the Tele-Medicine Co-ordinator, don’t be alarmed, you have a specialty referral with the “TV Doctor”.