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Diagnosing, treating and preventing cancer.

Defined as an abnormal growth of cells, cancer refers to a group of diseases in which cells divide

uncontrollably and destroy normal tissue. Different types of cancers are characterized based on the

location of abnormal cell growth within the body. Although it has no single cause, cancer is widely

presumed to result from interactions of multiple factors, i.e. genetic, environmental, or lifestyle. These

factors cause changes in the genes of a cell so that it divides and grows in an uncontrolled way. Some of

the most common categories of cancer include carcinoma, sarcoma, lymphoma, leukemia, and myeloma.

There is no certain way to prevent cancer, but healthcare professionals have identified several ways to

reduce your risk:

  • Smoking cessation – smoking is linked with several cancers, not just lung cancer
  • Avoidance of excessive sun exposure – harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays can increase your risk of skin cancer
  • Healthy diet – a diet rich in antioxidants, whole grains, lean protein, and vegetables rejuvenate your cells and promote longevity
  • Exercise – regular physical activity is linked with a reduced risk of cancer
  • Moderate alcohol consumption – alcohol has a direct correlation with disruption of the cell cycle, damage to dendrites, and premature aging of cells
  • Cancer screening exams – are women ages 24-64 getting a Pap smear at least every 3 years? Are women ages 52-74 getting a mammogram at least every 2 years? Are adults ages 50-75 being checked for colorectal cancer?
  • Ask your doctor about immunizations – immunizations help prevent infections from viruses such as hepatitis B, which increases risk for liver cancer, and HPV, which increases risk for cervical and other cancers