Radiology / Ultrasound
Preventive Medical Care Services
Radiology Overview

You will have the highest level of care and compassion provided by experienced and qualified technologists performing your exam. Your Radiology team will make your diagnostic exam as relaxing and pleasant as possible. From your experience with check in at the radiology reception desk to the exam itself, you will be treated with courtesy, professionalism and our best service possible.
Both San Manuel and Soboba Radiology are ACR accredited facilities. The American College of Radiology awards accreditation only after following a rigorous review process. Personnel, equipment performance, quality control, and quality of clinical images of only the highest caliber are considered for this accreditation. RSBCIHI demonstrates the high standards established by the ACR.
Our Services
RSBCIHI Radiology Imaging provides that latest in imaging technology to give you and your referring physician the most accurate results. With our all-digital imaging, we are able to provide reports to physicians the same day or even within a few hours of the study being completed. Access to reports and images through the Internet gives the referring physicians the ability to view studies and reports directly from their offices. We invite you to experience the highest level of compassion, care and qualified expertise in the San Jacinto and Grand Terrace area for your imaging needs.
RSBCIHI proudly utilizes Hemet Valley Imaging as our facility for Radiology review, readings, recommendations and communication. We value the interpretation of their Radiology physicians, for professional results and quality of feedback for optimal patient diagnoses and care.
The Radiology Department is comprised of four different modalities:
Diagnostic Digital Radiology Imaging
The x-ray has been called one of the most significant advances in all of medical history. It is used in many different ways in medical diagnosis. An x-ray image, or radiograph, is produced when a small amount of x-ray radiation passes through the body and strikes a sheet of sensitive film placed on the other side of the body. The ability of x-rays to penetrate tissues and bones varies according to the tissue’s composition and density. Bone, which contains calcium, does not let much radiation through and results in white images on the x-ray film. The lungs, which are filled with air, allow nearly all x-rays to strike the film, resulting in a black film image. Other tissues, such as muscle, fat and skin, are intermediate density and result in shades of grey. The resulting image is a “shadow” of the body’s tissues. This “shadow-gram” or radiograph can be interpreted by a radiologist, who specializes in interpretation of x-ray images.
Similar to what has occurred in the consumer camera industry, x-ray images can be acquired with digital technology instead of with film. The images are then permanently electronically stored. They can then be easily retrieved and printed on film or viewed on a computer workstation by the radiologist for interpretation. Digital x-ray has certain advantages over conventional film x-ray, including the ability for the x-ray technologist to immediately tell if the image is acceptable. Additionally, the radiologist can electronically manipulate the image for improved detail and accuracy of interpretation. RSBCIHI is pleased to be able to provide this advanced technology for our patients.
There is general agreement within the medical community that the small theoretical risks associated with the use of radiation are greatly outweighed by the important diagnostic information x-rays provide. Improved film quality and advances in electronic technology have helped create better and faster images, using lower doses of radiation.
No preparation is required for general x-ray exams.
A radiologist will study the images and provide a written report which includes a description of the findings, any diagnosis that can be made from the exam, as well as a recommendation for further studies if needed. The reports are usually available within 24 hours of completion of the examination, and are generally received by your physician within that same 24 hour period. A report may be delayed if we are awaiting studies from an outside facility for comparison purposes. If the results are urgent or if you are seeing your doctor on the same day as your exam, the radiologist will provide a preliminary report that will be faxed to your doctor, or in some cases, discussed directly with your doctor.
Including full field digital standard 2-D imaging, as well as enhanced 3-D Tomography imaging for a thorough study. Patients are encouraged to obtain their annual Mammograms for optimal breast health management. We perform Mammography on a scheduled basis and encourage patients to reach out to make their appointments as needed.
We also perform a variety of diagnostic breast health studies that include but are not limited to, spot compression views, magnified spot compression views and 3D Tomography for better visualization of questionable breast tissue after the screening process is complete. We are equipped and ready to obtain whatever imaging necessary for our interpreting Radiologists to provide a quality follow up report for breast health and to determine further intervention
Our facilities, along with the American Cancer Society and the American College of Radiology, recommend annual screening mammography starting at age 40. If you are high risk for breast cancer (if your mother or sister had breast cancer before the age of 50), then we recommend beginning screening 10 years before the age at which your mother or sister was diagnosed. For instance, if mom found out she had breast cancer at age 45, we would recommend starting screening at age 35.
A screening mammogram consists of two views of each breast. In order to see through the breast tissues, it must be compressed. Our female technologists are very experienced in positioning the breast as gently as possible, and the compression lasts only seconds while the mammogram is obtained and then the compression is released. It takes an average of about 15-20 minutes to take the four views. The technologist will then check the images to make sure they are of good quality. After that you are free to leave.
When the technologist has finished your exam, the mammogram images are automatically sent through a computer-assisted detection system or CAD. This system is a second look for the radiologist that provides additional analysis of the images. The radiologist then interprets the digital images. The radiologists are specialists in Breast Imaging who read a large volume of mammograms and perform breast interventional procedures.
They do not read your screening mammogram while you are here. This is because we know that the best way to detect breast cancer is to read screening mammograms at a quiet time, with no interruptions when we are fresh and maximally alert. These studies are read in batches with the aid of the CAD software. Because of this, we have the best chance of finding a cancer if there is one present.
Computer Aided Detection (CAD) is a sophisticated computer program that marks potential areas of concern on the mammogram. CAD has been shown to improve radiologists’ accuracy when reading mammograms. All mammograms at our clinics are read using CAD technology.
CAD is a tool for the radiologist to use as he/she reads your mammogram. Like a spell-check tool in a word processing program, CAD points out areas on a mammogram that may indicate a pathological process. It’s up to the doctor to decide if the area is truly of concern and needsadditional attention, or not. CAD does have some limitations:
CAD cannot say what is or is not a cancer, (only a biopsy can do that) but it does mark areas that may potentially be cancer. The CAD device cannot detect all visible cancers. The CAD places an average of 2 marks per mammogram. The majority of these marks are not cancer; for example, out of 16,000 marks, only 110 resulted in cancer. It is up to the doctor to decide if a marked area needs additional follow-up.
In order for the CAD to mark a cancer, the cancer must be visible on the mammogram. A very small percentage of cancers are not visible onthe mammogram; CAD cannot help in these cases, so it is still important to do self-breast exams and see your doctor regularly for a routine breast exam:- if you feel a lump and it is getting larger, even if you were told the mammogram is normal, you need to call your doctor.
Mammography uses radiation to form images of the breast. The dose is extremely low, much lower than any other X-ray exam or CT scan. The amount of radiation from a mammogram is comparable to the amount you would receive on a cross-country flight. What should I wear? You will be asked to undress from the waist up for the exam. We provide robes to cover up. Any comfortable clothing is appropriate. What preparation is needed? We ask that you do not apply deodorant the morning of your mammogram, or that you wash this off thoroughly prior to your appointment. The flecks of deodorant can show up on the films and be confused for abnormalities. How long will it take? The exam should take less than 20 minutes. What is a Call-Back?
In about 10% of cases, a question arises as a result of the screening mammogram. This does not mean that you have breast cancer. Most of these turn out to be entirely normal. But whenever there is a question, we will “Call Back” the patient for more views, and possibly an ultrasound. If this happens we will call you to arrange an appointment. We also send a letter to your home so that we will be sure to contact you. When will I get results?
We read screening mammograms within 48 hours of your appointment. We send a letter to your home and to your doctor as soon as possible, always within a week of your appointment. If there are any findings on the images, your doctor should call you in addition to sending you a letter. What if I have had mammograms at another facility in the past? We would very much like to see your past images to compare with your current mammogram at RSBCIHI. This is very helpful in showing the pattern of breast tissue has not changed over time. It would be best if this can be arranged before your appointment so that you can bring the old images in yourself, but we would be happy to facilitate the process at the time of your exam. Diagnostic Mammogram
How is a Diagnostic Mammogram different from Screening?
Diagnostic mammograms are specialized mammograms to solve a particular problem. The radiologist interprets each exam in order to answer the particular question at hand.
Reasons to have a diagnostic mammogram:
- Question arising from a screening mammogram
- Breast symptom such as a lump, focal breast pain or nipple discharge
- Follow-up exams
- Personal history of breast cancer
In addition to the four views obtained in a screening mammogram, there are many specialized views that are possible to further investigate a
finding. The most common view is called a “spot compression magnification” view. This is a magnified view of a particular area
of the breast. The radiologist may also request an ultrasound.
Breast Ultrasound
Ultrasound uses sound waves to generate a picture of the breast tissue. No compression is necessary. Ultrasound is particularly useful in determining cysts from solid masses in the breast. Cysts are very common and totally benign; about half of all women have some cysts in their breasts at some point. Ultrasound is also very helpful in characterizing masses and lumps.
What happens if they find something in my breast?
Sometimes we do find a lesion that requires a biopsy to find out what it is. Fortunately, the vast majority of breast biopsies can be accurately performed with a needle and do not require surgery. Depending on the finding, your doctor will refer you to a breast specialist who will perform the procedure for proper diagnosis.
Meet Our Staff

Nicole Jennings R.T. (R)
Radiology Supervisor
Radiology / Mammography Technologist
Soboba Cliinic

Melinda Ashley
Radiology Receptionist
San Manuel Clinic

Lizbella Dominguez
Radiology Receptionist
Soboba Clinic

Lisa Luehmann
Ultrasound Technologist
Soboba Clinic - Wednesday
San Manuel Clinic - Thursday